
New addition Emilio Vedova

New addition Emilio Vedova

Emilio Vedova: Ciclo

This recently acquired work by the Italian painter Emilio Vedova from 1962-63 is a special piece, indeed a rarity. The painting, measuring 32.5 x 43.5 cm, dates from Vedova's best creative phase and combines all the characteristic aspects of his gestural painting: black, white and all the shades of grey in between are his coloristic thinking and craft. Where color is added, it is an interjection, response or extension, but not the origin. Dynamic painting, eruptive discharge as if under power.

Vedova knows how to create spaces and thus - like a sculpture - work into the three-dimensional pictorial space and break it up. 

We are delighted to be able to offer you this special and striking work. HERE you will find further information.

If you are interested in this work, please contact us.

New addition Gerhard Altenbourg

New addition Gerhard Altenbourg

Gerhard Altenbourg - Auf den Zinnen von Troja

Freshly arrived, we would like to present this extraordinary graphic work, a unique piece: “”Auf den Zinnen von Troja” was created in 1960 as a large-format unique work. The woodcut on nettle measures 66 x 148 cm and is partially finished with oil paint. The basis for this unique piece is a printing block (WVZ H56), which was used for 4 other versions on this theme (see WVZ). Our unique copy is the original version. Gerhard Altenbourg himself wrote a handwritten poem with the same title:

Auf den Zinnen von Troja - längst verebbtes Moos - in der aufgerollten Zeit - Spule aus Granit - perloner Faden im Laubengrün - zwischen Felsennelken - wo sich ein Stein gefunden - aus dem vorgewölbten Zeitenschoß - Dieser Stein lallte Eia eia - weil er von seiner Geburt sprach - brachte er der Finder ihn ins Museum für Urgeschichte - dort war er stumm

If you are interested in this work, please contact us. HERE you will find more detailed information about the work.